วันพุธที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2559

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And at the end of the street what was once the New Harbour Mall is now an empty shell surrounded by heavy equipment. A Market Basket store is under construction on the land that once held a Kmart. CEA Group of Cambridge announced plans to transform the New Harbour Mall to the South Coast Marketplace, with two dozen stores, a 10-screen movie theater, restaurants, banks and dry cleaners. The South End is doing really well, said James Karam, president of First Bristol Development. If you look at the shopping centers, with Burlington Coat and T.J. Maxx, they are all filled. The removal of the Harbour Mall for something better will be really good for the area. There are two primary driving projects in the South End, said Ken Fiola, executive vice president of the Fall River Office of Economic Development. The first is the South Coast Marketplace, which will transform the former Harbour Mall. That will drive a lot of people to the area for entertainment and shopping. Twin River Management Group is building a small casino on a lot in Tiverton that is just over the Fall River line.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.heraldnews.com/news/20161227/fall-rivers-south-end-seeing-development-boom?rssfeed=true

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